Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?

Let us not forget when it all becomes a bit much that each and every one of us has our own inner compass and ready-made intuition. We can rely on all of our senses in order to find our way once more.

Back in February (feels like a long time ago doesn’t it?!) we celebrated my husbands birthday and planned to have a day out and dinner in London. Only I woke up on the Saturday morning and knew I didn’t want to go, nor did I want to get on a train or wander around the streets of the city I love. Something bothered me about the rumblings of a virus in China and all of my instincts were telling me in no uncertain words to stay at home.

My mother-in-law called from Australia and she felt as I did. She knew something was amiss too. “Stay at home” she said. “Just chill and take it easy”.

So we did. And we haven’t yet ventured into London since.

Where flowers bloom so does hope

Where flowers bloom so does hope

As I open the curtains clear blue sky and glorious sunshine greets me, since the lockdown began in the UK two months ago we’ve been fortunate to have experienced many days like this. As I venture outside my morning tea in hand, I wander around our garden in my pyjamas. No one can see me. There’s nobody else about. Even the dog walkers keep their distance these days. So I mooch around and see what has changed overnight. New buds have formed and my roses are coming in to bloom. Which seems a lot earlier this year thanks to the warm weather and sunshine.

Decide what kind of life you actually want. And then say no to everything that isn’t that.

Decide what kind of life you actually want. And then say no to everything that isn’t that.

The biggest way to transform your life is to decide what you actually want It sounds obvious doesn’t it that in order to change or transform anything in your life you have to decide what it is you want, what direction you wish to head in or where you’d love to end up. But often we don’t. We coast along, drifting and waiting for something to change, days, weeks and months can pass us by and then we realise, it’s time to stop waiting, make some decisions and the most important bit of all, take intentional action.

Kindness is powerful pass it on

Kindness is powerful pass it on

I’ve learned a very important insight about human behaviour and this extends to how we choose to show up online. If someone feels the need to attack someone else, more often than not, it is about them and not the person on the receiving end. Maybe they’re having an off day, maybe they feel in pain, maybe their inner critic is raging inside their head or maybe something has triggered them. Who knows. But it is rarely about you. Not really. Their coping mechanism is to attack others, project their inner anguish outwards in the hope they’ll feel better about themselves. But it does not make it OK.

She has fire in her soul and Grace in her heart

She has fire in her soul and Grace in her heart

Talking about baby loss publicly was not on my radar. But life has a way of taking you down paths you could never envisage being on, doesn't it? And so after ten years being immersed in the world of social media and the Internet, last spring I let go of my Scarletta business and identity. It was time to start over as me, with a new business in my own name that encompassed not only my work and services, but also enabled me to use my own voice to grow, bloom and transform into the woman I am today.

Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already

Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already

Do you find it difficult to do nothing, I don’t mean mindlessly scrolling on social media or having a binge fest of Netflix, I mean absolutely nothing at all? It’s a challenge isn’t it to allow ourselves to pause for a while and just be. At the moment I am in the lull between finishing my book and publishing it and the truth is I am tired. Worn out and a bit frazzled as it has been a summer full of challenges on the home front.

Two months ago I could not see how I would finish my book let alone publish it by my self-imposed deadline of October. So when the book was finished my initial thoughts turned to what’s next? What do I have to do now? How can I fill the time once more? Then a small voice within whispered – stop. For now just stop. You are running on empty and have to recharge your batteries. I knew this to be true and yet still I automatically tried to ignore and overrule the warning signs.

We have been programmed and conditioned to be in a continuous flow of doing, if you’re not busy then you can’t be doing life right, right? Being a busy bee is seen as an achievement, you can wear the busy badge of honour with pride but we are not encouraged to openly share the “I am busy doing absolutely nothing” one.

The power of yet

The power of yet

Life is full of challenges whether we choose the challenge willingly or not. Sometimes we say yes and commit to a challenge and other times it is enforced upon us. It may not be easy and the only way to overcome it is to embrace what is and go with it rather than fight it. Because you may not know the answer or next step to take yet. But eventually you will.

When you awaken you don't go back to sleep

When you awaken you don't go back to sleep

You cannot fail to see and know that we are all living in a time of huge uncertainty and unrest globally. But despite this remarkable human beings are no longer willing to be silent, we are speaking up, me included. Whether it’s in politics, raising awareness of environmental issues, questioning in-equality and discrimination or even sharing our stories to aid others using our voices boldly and courageously to speak the once unspeakable it is all transforming everything for the greater good and for humanity.

She believed she could so she did

She believed she could so she did

From a young age we are segmented into those who can and those who cannot. At our school we did the 12+ exam to see if we were clever enough to go to Grammar school. I wasn’t. Fortunately for me many of my circle of friends weren’t either. But it was one of those early life lessons where you begin to realise sometimes you are not enough. You don’t have the right skills or knowledge therefore you end up in the “Can’t Camp”.