When you’re feeling low on energy, depleted, frazzled, tired and wired this your moment to say no.
No to scrolling on social media land.
No to external requests and demands that you simply don’t have time or energy for.
No to things you feel obliged to, or should, but really could do without right now.
And know this is your moment to say yes to you.
I’ve been talking about overwhelm a lot lately and what self care really means. And as I get older, and wiser I have learned that I have to protect and nurture my time and energy.
If I am exhausted, I am not much fun to be around, I am grumpy, cannot think straight and my creativity disappears as well as my enthusiasm for life overall.
When I am overstretched I ask myself what do I need?
How can I take care of myself today?
What do I need to let go of or say no to?
And wait for my inner voice to speak.
I listen and then act from here.
This takes the load off. The stress dissipates. I reassure myself that all is well. And make space and time to BE. This turns on the replenishment tap. And then I get on with my day.
So feeling overwhelmed and low?
Stop saying yes to everything else and start saying yes to you.
Say yes to making space in your day just for you.
Say yes to the rest you crave.
Say yes to what you need, as and when you need it. Moment by moment.
This is a daily practice, in a world of noise and productivity it can take time for you to realise that the biggest responsibility you have in life is to learn how to truly take, care of you. Body, mind and soul. Because really you are all you have.
Everything and everyone can wait as you replenish.
As the season shifts into autumn now is the time to take things slower, rest and replenish when you need to.
Nurture your mind, body and soul.
Take your time to rest, reflect, refuel and replenish.
Gift yourself a permission slip and say yes to you.
Need some time out for you?
Take a look at Bloom Ftom Within Online Retreat available now