Recently I’ve been talking a lot about the rise of the feminine. Bringing more ‘feminine energy’ into yourself and your life can be deemed soft, wishy washy, airy fairy, a pushover, head in the clouds and so on.
Yes the feminine is soft, calm, nurturing, compassionate, kind, supportive, empathetic and peaceful.
Yet she is also a warrior, full of fire, empowered, knowing, intuitive and anything but a pushover.
Within the feminine woman there is a firm and fierce power. She emits a powerful, embodied grounded energy that she is not to be messed with. She is respected and she knows to listen and trust herself more than anyone.
“The feminine energy is flowing and dynamic. Her moves cannot be predicted or explained with the rational mind. She is unrestricted by social norms because she doesn’t follow any rules other than guidance coming from her own heart. She embodies the frequency of that she wishes to experience and attracts this like a magnet. Nothing can resist her magnetizing nature. The feminine energy doesn’t need to get out into the world to get it. It comes her way. Contrary to the traditional opinions, the feminine energy is powerful. The feminine strength comes from her own soul” - Syliva Salow
It is a daily balancing practice to move through masculine and feminine energy, regardless of gender. This is feeling over thinking, being over doing, resting over pushing and intuition over logic.
We have spent thousands of years with the masculine in the driving seat. And look where we are.
So now bringing more of the feminine back into balance is required within and around us.
“This feminine fire is a primordial, elemental force that is powerful beyond our wildest imaginings. It is in fact power itself”. Teri Doglar
When you do embrace this energy everything changes within and around you. Your perspective. How you show up in the world. How you learn to take care of yourself. Your relationships deepen or fall apart. Your inner BS radar is firmly switched on. You do not tolerate being used or abused. You definitely don’t conform. And you feel more alive, more comfortable in your own skin and in tune with all your senses guiding you in every moment.
I could go on.
The fierce feminine is on the rise and she will not be silenced, suppressed or belittled anymore.
As Brene Brown says ‘soft front, firm back’.
Onwards as we rise. The inner flame 🔥 has been reignited.