Simply One of a Kind

Simply One of a Kind

Within the Social Collective we’ve been talking in depth about how to deal with other similar businesses replicating our work. It seems this is a hot topic at the moment. And just as everything was hunky dory in my world with the sun shining outside, I sat at my desk and caught up on emails.

There waiting for me was an email from a friend saying “Have you seen this, it looks remarkably like yours?” She’d attached a link and was referring to a brand new collective that had launched. 

Yes I had seen it and I too could see immediately the striking similarities between my social collective and this new one.

I am wise enough to know mine isn’t going to be the only one in the world. There are loads of Collectives out there with more popping up all the time. But this one with the entire concept, features and mechanics very identical to mine. It is too similar.

Surely not a coincidence?

It's Not About Who You Know. It's About Who Knows You?

It's Not About Who You Know. It's About Who Knows You?

An exciting thing happened my new business cards arrived. Woo Hoo. I promptly gave them out to my family members and put the rest back in the box.

But what use are my new business cards if they are sitting in a pretty flowery holder on my desk? How will people know all about what’s on offer if I don’t tell them or give them my card?

I realised it’s time to start “networking” again. But I was undecided where to go.

Since we moved it’s fair to say I haven’t been out much. Networking that is. After all we’ve got the house to renovate, the garden to maintain, washing to do and endless domestic goddess duties to carry out let alone finding the time or making the effort to go to networking meetings.

And with me percolating on my new venture I didn’t feel comfortable heading out trying to promote and market my old services which weren’t really in my heart anymore. So I didn’t, I stayed at home and pulled up some more weeds from the garden.

However, I have enough experience under my belt to know that sitting at home with my new business cards and shiny new website is unlikely to bring me an abundance of new connections or clients. Well it might, but I could be waiting a while couldn’t I?

A Magical Doorway Opens

A Magical Doorway Opens

I’ve been in the “void” for a while, pondering and percolating. Wondering how to bridge the gap between what has come before in my life and work, and the now. As the old felt out-dated and no longer resonated.

The images on the Scarletta website no longer felt like me. Who was that person? As I no longer recognised her because everything in my world has changed since they were taken some four years ago.

My perspective and perceptions altered significantly. My work evolved as I learned to go with my heart and soul and not just my logical head.

Everything around me was different.

My work, how I serve, my beliefs, values and most importantly me.

Life has simply and dramatically changed.