Is it safe to re-emerge online after the seasonal festivities?
Have all the “New Year, New You” platitudes gone away yet?
As another new year begins you may feel the pressure to get cracking, with your foot to the floor. Just because that is what is expected isn’t it?
But many of us are not huge fans of new year. Including me. The expectations. The pressure to know precisely what you want to do with the year ahead. The resolutions. The endless quotes and meme’s in circulation. It’s definitely a time to tune out for a while.
Will it be New Year, New You?
So with new year in mind during our Boxing Day dinner the family conversation turned to the BIG new year celebrations and we discussed who would be doing what. It seemed everyone in my family had somewhere exciting to go and would be going out-out, except for us. We were definitely staying in-in watching the telly-box.
And no doubt when the fireworks ended that would be it for me. I’d be off to bed by 12.15am. Grateful the big celebration was over until next year. ( I did and I was!) Times have changed when your parents are out partying until 2am!
Anyway, my sister went on to share with us how much she despises new year. “Why is it” she voiced “are we lead to believe that as soon as the clock strikes midnight and we bid farewell to the year gone by that everything will miraculously change and be so much better in the next one? Because you wake up the next day and everything is absolutely the same as before.”
I had to agree, life doesn’t really change overnight does it?
I piped up about how the annual calendar is a man made thing. Humans created it. It is only a point in time.
“So is that yet another thing to blame men for” said my husband.
Before the conversation turned into a row about what else we can “blame” the men for my Dad offered his nugget of wisdom and said “New Year is a time to reflect and celebrate”. Hooray, well said that, MAN!
Yes, the new year is a time to reflect and celebrate. Not beat ourselves up about all the things we failed to achieve in the year gone by. This is the time to celebrate everything we did feel was a success.
Even if it is to celebrate the very fact that you made it through another year, alive. When so many didn’t.
Even if there wasn’t big stuff to celebrate surely you can find a little something just to be grateful for?
Even if you haven’t got a clue what to do with this brand new year ahead. Why not simply celebrate where you are right now?
Last year saw some significant and very welcome transformations in my own world. Having spent several years in the wilderness of life. I had sought meaning. My purpose. And wondered what exactly my life was for and where was I heading. I had been in the void for quite some time. Eventually all the answers I needed arrived. In June. Not January. I put this down to more of divine timing, not a human schedule.
Finally armed with my insights, I could re-emerge. So I did. I created my brand new petite business and the clarity, courage and conviction showed up in abundance and enabled me to show up as me and get out and about into the world again. It has been fabulous and so good for me to get my life and new business on track. This year feels a lot more positive already.
So this is something I feel totally worth celebrating. There are many other “achievements” I am proud of. Not solely for my work. I did what I intended. I survived. I thrived. And grew so much more than I ever envisaged I could.
But it didn’t all happen overnight. Or in January…..
Often you begin the day much as you ended the day before. But acknowledge the fresh new day. Every day. Look for the things that feel good today.
Reflecting on this I know I followed the breadcrumbs. Planted the seeds. Waited patiently. Waited some more. Trusting my path would eventually open up and reveal itself. Every step I took wasn’t neatly planned out. It was a bit haphazard at times. I used my intuition. I’d dabble with something. Ponder and then the next step would become clearer.
Slowly, slowly catchy monkey things gained momentum. I’d come across books I needed to read to inspire me. I’d find myself meeting and having conversations with significant people who helped me along. I’d suddenly see something online that would spark interest and lead me elsewhere. I took action sometimes unconsciously trusting my inner guidance and that I’d be heading where I needed to go. I asked a lot of questions. I made the investment in me and my own growth.
Live less out of habit and more with intention
And of course what also helped me grow, bloom and transform was to learn how to live and work intentionally. This has totally changed my life, my outlook and my business for the better. I focus on my intentions every single day. Not only on 1st January.
Even if I only do one thing I intend to every day, it’s something. A start. A new beginning. Progress is made and then transformation occurs. Things move and shift.
As well as focusing on my own intentions I am also learning more and more about following the seasons and trusting natures lead. In January we are still immersed in Winter. Which is the ideal time to choose to hibernate. Retreat some more. Reflect and release. Before we are ready to re-emerge in the Spring.
It may feel like nothing is happening but when you look closely outside subtle changes are evolving. Buds are forming on the plants and trees. The branches appear dead but they are not. Everything is still. But working within. For now.
So what if instead of trying to solve your whole life you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow?
So as another new year begins maybe you are feeling the pressure to have your life and business sussed? That you have to push and strive before you’re ready. You don’t. Just give your attention to one thing at a time. Do whatever feels good. Even if it isn’t for your business, it’s for you. Trust you are exactly where you need to be right now.
I don’t relish this time of year. January and February can be tough months with the darker, shorter days a challenge. What is helping me is to make my own wellbeing a priority to see me through. I am embracing more heartfelt winter practices to help me navigate these darker months. It is my intention to ease into this year and take it slow and steady. Rather than placing unnecessary pressure on myself to race ahead.
And as this is a great time to release the old I have spent the last few days cleaning and clearing my office. Letting go of everything that no longer serves any purpose or brings any joy. Piles of paper work have been neatly filed or disposed of. Old business cards, leaflets and notebooks all gone. Books I’ve read and were sitting taking up space and collecting dust given to the charity shop. And there’s nothing like two bonfires to truly let stuff go.
Which means now my little box room office feels spacious and welcoming once more. The shelves are full of my treasures and trinkets. I’ve kept up my fairy lights to brighten up my day and I am using the scented candles that I’d once kept for best as soon as darkness falls.
And my lovely crystals including the ones I received for Christmas are all there gleaming together, catching my eye as they are now on full display so I can see them clearly. Tidy desk, tidy mind as they say.
I am wearing my nice Jo Malone perfume, even if I am working from home with nowhere to go. I am getting outside at least once a day to walk and do my steps. Little things all add up and help you feel better about yourself. And if I set out to do just one thing, often I find I do at least three more.
The hardest thing you’ll ever do is trust yourself
And I chose my word of the year. Trust.
Trusting myself, trusting in my work, trusting in others, the world at large and everything else I need to trust.
The funny thing is I’d already decided on my word and then my “Trust” heart caught my eye. It wasn’t hidden. It was on my desk all the time but I’d stopped paying it attention and couldn’t see it buried among all the clutter on my desk. But now with my lovely clear office space I can see it once more and trust this year is going to be amazing.
I trust it is for you too. Trust your heart whispers they know the way.
Happy New Year and if like me this isn’t your favourite time of year, trust the light will come.
All in good time.